Special Track

About Special Track

Special Track aims at bringing out the innovative solutions to solve issues of mankind, on a global scale. It is the recently added track in YESIST12 during its 2020 edition and focussed on health and disaster management. In 2021, Special Track targets on providing solutions to more challenges faced by every individual on the planet. Novel ideas, creative proposals with interesting presentations are rewarded and appreciated.

The submissions could be related to the following topics:

  • Clean water and Sanitation.
  • Improvised medical and health care
  • Sustainable cities and communities.
  • Preventive measures from hazards and disasters.
  • Environmental Engineering

Our Features

Technological development leads to the sophistication of lifestyle. It also provides means to solve common problems encountered by human beings. Special Track of YESIST12 tries to meet this objective by calling for proposals that provide answers to the sustainable development goals of the world. A theme crafted to fulfill the needs of a global neighborhood tickles the ingenuity of the inquisitive engineering minds.

Smart Solutions for Greener Cleaner future!

Special Track

Clean water and sanitation

Creating state of the art devices to improve distribution, management, and purification of water ensuring adequate and equitable sanitation for all.

Preventive measures from hazards and disasters

Solutions to strengthen the capacity of local communities for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global hazards/disasters risks.

Improvised medical and health care

Ensuring access to quality essential health-care services to achieve safe, effective and affordable universal health coverage treatment plans.

Sustainable cities and communities

Innovative ideas to make cities and human settlements inclusive, secure, resilient and sustainable.

Environmental Engineering

Enhance the adaptive capacity to conserve, restore and sustainable use of ecosystems, promoting fair and equitable utilization of their services.

Points to be noted by the participants (general procedure):

  • The team size is from 2 to 4 members.
  • A team may comprise members from varied academic institutions/ Industries and maybe from different countries.
  • People who enroll themselves along with team member's registration along with the mentor details will be provided with certificates.
  • The selected teams will be given a chance to present their projects through an online platform to the judging panel.
  • Once the team finalization is done along with their abstract, there will be no more changes with their membership and the mentor details.
  • Coordination and teamwork must be taken care of by the team leader. Further details regarding the platform and logistics will be updated to you all soon.

Rule Book

  • Accept the rules and grab the place of yours.
  • When you know the rules, you can be out of confusion and you are on the perfect pitch to hit a six. Here are some essential rules that you should keenly go through.

Abstract Selection Process

The novelty of the Idea
Clarity of details
User Experience
Scale of impact
Potential for future work progression
Special Track

Event Updates

  • Important Dates
  • Reg. Fee
  • Finale

Call for abstract 1: March 1, 2021

Deadline for abstract 1: March 31, 2021

Call for abstract 2: April 15, 2021

Deadline for abstract 2: May 15, 2021

Submit Abstract

Registration Fee for the final round:
40 USD

Details will be updated soon!







