About Us


Youth Endeavours For Social Innovation Using Sustainable Technology

To unify social responsibility and ethics in young minds through activities and to encourage service-oriented engineering practice, YESIST 12 has started. An international talent show, IEEE YESIST 12 (YOUTH ENDEAVOURS FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION USING SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY)(SS12) is a platform for the students and young professionals to showcase their fresh pristine ideas to find the key to humanitarian and social issues affecting directly the community around them.

Looking back at the memorable starting point, YESIST 12 was SS12(meaning Saturday Sunday 12 hours) a humanitarian themed hackathon for students of the USA. Then it unfolded to Erode and Asia, now it has outspread to more than 9 countries, far-reaching 2000 above and beyond. Entailing many budding Innovators and entrepreneurs from around the world on building engineering solutions for the societal issues in various domains.

Our Vision

To impart social responsibility and ethics as a part of continuing education in young minds through activities and encourage service-oriented engineering practices.

Our Mission

  • Empower and encourage the engineering minds to work for the social cause through.
  • Conducting competitions associated with vision, which involves young engineering graduates, engineering students and school students.
  • Acknowledging the service and contribution of engineering instructors to society.
  • Bridging the gap between mentors and mentees from industry and academics, thereby providing a strong network.
  • Encouraging integrating work in creating solutions for social issues.

Our Milestones

Enhancing the Quality of Life Through Innovation
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
978 Participants
Education through Innovation: Innovate, Demonstrate & Educate
Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India
1500 Participants
Empathy for Engineering -Solutions for Macro Issues
NSBM Green University, Colombo
2500 Participants
● First - edition of Junior Einstein track exclusively for school students
● First Global host of YESIST 12 with Sri Lanka Section
Preparing for Future -Sustainable Transformative Technologies
Stamford International University, Thailand
3000 Participants
● SS12 renamed as YESIST 12
Preparing for Future - Sustainable Transformative Technologies.
● First-ever Virtual Edition of YESIST 12






