Junior Einstein

About Junior Einstein

Junior Einstein Track acts as a catalyst for innovation and provides a transformative opportunity to broaden the horizon of knowledge among the young curious minds. This initiative aims at empowering the next generation innovators, nurture their ideas and increase their thirst towards finding solution to various social issues. This event makes effort to harness the creative submissions and innovative spirit towards Scientific and technological ideas/innovations from the school students of age 12 to 17 and to get rooted as one of the foremost project competition in the global arena developing a robust scientific temper among the youth.

Junior Einstein Track Objectives:

  • To create an international platform for the participants to showcase their talents, innovations and networking for fruitful collaborations and partnerships to achieve their future endeavors.
  • To identify, recognize and motivate next-generation innovators to come up with a viable solution to social issues with their innovative ideas.
  • To connect student innovators with potential technical knowledge and skills from Industry/Organizations.
  • To motivate students to develop products for societal requirements using STEM concepts which contribute to UN sustainable development goals.
IEEE YESIST12 Junior Einstein THEME - Idea related to STEM which contributes to

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Points to be noted by the participants (rules & general procedure):

  • Team size: Maximum of 4 members.
  • Participant’s Age: 12 to 17 years. Proof for the same shall be submitted. (Bonafide letter from school or birth certificate)
  • Team members may come from different academic institutions/industries and from different countries. Only the registered members of the team will be given certificates. Mentor names should also accompany the team registration.
  • Teams are locked along with abstract submission and no further changes to team members and mentors can be made thereafter.
  • Teams shall present their working projects in the virtually, explain and demonstrate to the audience and evaluators.
  • The evaluation will be based on the following criteria: Novelty / Innovation, Participant’s knowledge on concept / market demand, Technical implementation, Expandability of the project idea/prototype to an actual product or solution, Clarity of pitch.
  • Plagiarism at any forms or at any stage is strictly prohibited.
  • Each team is solely responsible for its own cooperation and teamwork.
  • ***The projects can be a software solution or hardware integrated.

Abstract Selection Process

Feasibility & Practicability
User Experience
Scale of impact
Potential for future work progression
Junior Einstein Track

Event Updates

  • Dates for Pilot
  • Direct Entry
  • Reg. Fee
  • Awards
Registration of Pilot Institutions/Schools closes: May 30, 2021
Registration of Teams with Pilot Institution / Schools closes: As indicated by the Pilot
Date for Preliminary to be conducted by Pilot Institution / Schools: As indicated by Pilot Completion of Preliminary round by Pilots (Before July 30, 2021)
Registration for Finals: August 15, 2021
Call for abstracts: May 30, 2021
Intimation to selected teams & Registration: From June 20, 2021
Registration closes: Aug 15, 2021
Finale: To Be Updated

Registration Fee for the final round:
40 USD

First Prize - 500 USD

Second Prize - 250 USD

Certificates will be provided for the participants

Co-Chair 1

Mr. Navaneethakrishnan Ramanathan
Co-Chair | Junior Einstein
Email ID: navaneethakrishnan@ieee.org
Ph: +91 9944147137

Co-Chair 2

Ms. Pooja Sharma K
Co-Chair | Junior Einstein
Email ID: poojasharma@ieee.org
Ph: +91-9941520807






